Karma Clear

December 19th, 2011

May 13th, 2008 Metempyrion


Karma ends

Faces forgive

What they remember not

Because it is no longer real.

Wipe the slate clean

Without censure

Fresh anew

Begin as


Again. OM

Swami Sri Guruiji Grace Love
Advaita Monism Hindu Practical Vedanta Guru
Samadhi Shaktipat
Cornville, AZ

Food and Health

December 19th, 2011

The word recipe comes from the Latin recipere meaning to receive. In past times the word referred to a prescription from the apothecary. The archaic symbol for recipe is the one used even today by pharmacists for medications:


Currently the word recipe is used to designate a list of ingredients with instructions to be mixed together in the kitchen to be consumed as food. How this reference has changed over time is not so mysterious as we might think. There are recipes for skin care, hot bath soaks and poultices. Healers have always been herbalists who gather plants to be blended together for healthy results. A good cook is frequently also a good gardener who grows fresh produce and herbs.

Ayurvedic medicine uses barks of trees, spices, herbs and roots for medicinal effects as do the curanderos of Central and South America. The tradition of blending natural ingredients together for a better quality of life has been with Homo Sapiens for thousands of years. Mixing roots and leaves to alleviate discomfort, pain and disease is the most important identifier of evolution. What a brilliant idea to mix these ingredients in a way to be consumed as a pleasurable experience.

Good nutrition is as important today as it has always been for health, alertness, vitality and longevity. With the advent of modern travel and transport, the basic ingredients of exotic foods from almost anywhere in the world can be experienced in our own homes. The Chinese always think ‘health’ when the cook is in the kitchen. A balanced meal must contain complementary foods for appeal, taste, harmony, and well being.

In the present times, special care should be taken to read labels of products which could contain chemicals and ingredients harmful over the long term if consumed repeatedly. Many cause allergies and complications in the digestive tract, as well as a deficiency in mental clarity needed for learning and good judgment decisions. Some have been linked to behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Laboratory food preservatives may be difficult to break down in the body causing stress for organs or simply be indigestible, meaning the food is passed out of the body without nourishment value.

Learning the Science of good cooking means being sensitive to body functions and needs for nourishment. The Art of cooking is about serving healthy ingredients in a fashion that is pleasant to the palate and the eye. Digestion is best when the ambience is relaxing, uplifting, and happy. Meditation between preparation and presentation is frequently helpful.

So we see that the person who selects the food and cooks in the household has a very vital and important position. This person is actually a healer, because food when combined and presented properly serves as medicine in a most fundamental way. If care is not taken, the family suffers; disharmony, sickness, and even long term inherited vulnerabilities can develop.

As a healer, the cook should take care to be sensitive to allergies and different requirements of individuals. The changing conditions and attitudes of the people she serves should be taken into consideration. A perfectly wonderful meal could be wasted when other people don’t feel like consuming what is presented. Rather than taking offense at rejection, consider the needs of others and be flexible. Variety at the table is always welcome. The kitchen ‘maven’ should be conscientious, happy, and healthy. The meaning of the proverbial chicken soup becomes multidimensional as food for the soul, comfort for the heart and nourishment for the body.

Organic ingredients are recommended whenever available; fresh rather that canned or frozen is preferable for taste and nutritive value. The quality of life is precious and while being thrifty is important, health must be the primary focus. Remember, the cook is the guardian of health in the household.

Fog’s End

December 19th, 2011

October 7th, 2008 Metempyrion

This is an excerpt from the Prism Diary. Although names may have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the circumstances are accurately recorded.

This episode occurred late October 1984. The author is published internationally in transcultural and spiritual publications. She is a clairvoyant.


The autumn was growing long after the Hunters’ Full Moon and I found myself becoming restless as if some instinct was driving me to find a winter shelter from the northwest winter cold. And yet, some urgency nibbled at the edge of my mind. Returning from an afternoon walk to find an enigmatic message from a caller I had never heard of sent a shiver down my spine. The voice was that of an older woman laced with desperation. Realizing unpleasantness would be involved, it was with reluctance that I called her back later that evening.

The name she gave was McGuire, good Scottish stock. She was a designer of women’s garments. My name had been given to her by a gentleman she had known for years in Hollywood. She needed help with a situation that was rapidly deteriorating as days passed. It was apparent that whatever was troubling her, she did not understand enough to put into words. She related her story in a helter- skelter fashion, not knowing where to begin or what might be of significance.

“Can you sew?” she asked and then switched subjects to metaphysics without a connector phrase, and then leapt to the topic of grandchildren, as one would expect from a grandmother. I told her I would call the following day to let her know if it would be possible for me to be of assistance. The conversation was abruptly cut short as she dashed to some unidentified task of urgency.

Perhaps because of the muddled exchange, her anxiety seemed more real. She lived some distance south; it would take three maybe five days traveling to get there. She had offered me food and lodging for the duration of my stay. As I sat piecing together her nonsequitur comments, it became clear that she had not been entirely candid about her situation. There was something she had left unsaid on purpose. What it could be was only speculation. I fell asleep thinking more information could only be uncovered on the site. The decision to take the case had been made.

Although the woman seemed more forthcoming and congenial by the light of day, the undertones of distress remained in her voice while we spoke Sunday morning. “Everything has turned topsy-turvy. Nothing stays where I put it and there are strange happenings in the night!” Madame McGuire was most relieved when I told her I was on my way.

There was no way of telling how long I would be gone or what I would need. Better plan for weeks. I wondered what I was getting myself into this time…

A clear if chill Monday morning greeted me as I departed. Time on the road allowed me to think. The information was scanty, but when analyzed, certain facts came to the fore. Among strands of a conversation which had lasted twenty minutes, these repeated phrases rang in my mind: “I can’t get any work done! My business is falling apart.” This woman had been a garment designer in Beverly Hills. In the 1960’s and ‘70’s, famous folk musicians had worn her clothing. She still had an impressive clientele.

As I continued south on the fourth day, the weather turned for the worse. I had taken the coastal highway for the view, only to find myself surrounded by low clouds and drizzle, gloomy and damp. Looking at the calendar, I realized the day was All Hallow’s Eve, and my thoughts meandered with the road back in time to stories of rituals of the season; gatherings for protection from unseen forces. The concept of pathways between the world of the living and the world of the dead came to mind. In the old religions time had been set aside when autumn met winter, to honor the ancestors. Modern times still included some of the old ways, in some cultures more than others. Shamans had warned me of the ease with which disembodied spirits could draw on those in the flesh at this time of year.

The drizzle turned to mist and began to close in on me. Images of wraiths wafted between matter and illusion in the swirls of air. Time to stop. I pulled the car of the road, and stepped out to touch the wet soil. Pipe and tobacco in hand I headed for a secluded spot and made offerings and prayers for good passage. The power of the earth flowed through me grounding and strengthening my bond with Gaia, Earth Goddess. After a few minutes, replenished and restored I felt at peace.

Even as the feeling of urgency threw me towards my destination, delays confronted me. A road block, a detour; then more than one. I had intended to arrive early afternoon. The days were growing shorter and arrival in daylight would be preferable in an unfamiliar area. Struggling through impasse after impasse, late into the day, the priority of reaching my goal became paramount. Weariness set in and with it a depression I did not like the feel of, crept in as if someone or something did not wish me well. And then darkness fell.

Mrs. McGuire had said, “Take the road up the valley; the road beside the river going down to the sea.” Feeling my way, guided by some sixth sense, I found it and headed inland. The fog thickened and visibility became nonexistent. Shapes unseen until the last possible moment leapt out of the murk as headlights swung around curves. Huge tree forms loomed unexpectedly over the road, momentarily illuminated before being enclosed in mist once again. The road led on and on. Eventually I realized the dirt turnoff I sought must be behind me. I felt disoriented. A cluster of buildings up ahead suggested civilization and with a sigh of relief, I headed to a roadside phonebooth. My hostess answered expectantly and gave me clear directions from my current location. I had wasted time in the fog and now needed to backtrack with all speed.

Something did not want me to find that house. It had consciousness and was expecting me. I swerved to miss an oncoming vehicle in my lane and barely had time to right my course before careening into the ditch. With trepidation and hands that were a little shaky, I turned onto a dirt lane which must be the one. It twisted up the hillside and at last, at its end, a stone wall with a tall wrought iron gate came into view. A metal sculpture of four horses galloping head first through the wall guarded the gateway very formidably against intruders For better or worse, I had arrived.

The iron gate was locked but I found a small door in the wall and crept through into the cobbled courtyard in the pitch dark. Stumbling up unlit steps I passed through archways of stone toward a dim light I could just make out through tangles of hanging vines, now dormant. At last I reached a door. I knocked not wanting to imagine what might greet me. After what seemed an extended period of time, I could hear shuffling footsteps and eventually discerned through the glass, a figure silhouetted from behind, coming down a long dark hallway. Lighting sconces as she approached, a woman unlatched the door, which creaked on old hinges.

She stood stooping slightly, an apparition out of an ancient fairey tale; wide as she was tall, a short older woman with a face once handsome, now lined with worry and ravages of a hard life. Her clothing was handwoven and could have been that of a healer in medieval times, in shades of earth tones loosely hung as if hastily put on. Her grey shoulder length hair had not been combed adding to the abstracted though not unkindly impression. “Ah, here finally…its about time. You had trouble finding the place? Well then, come in come in.” With no further introduction than that, she turned back the way she had come expecting me to close and lock the door behind me before following.

“The fog is never this bad, but with everything else that has gone on here recently, can’t say it’s a surprise on this night. The power went out earlier today, normally the courtyard is lit”. I could see now she walked with a limp and asked about it. “Oh, that, slipped and fell two days ago on the wet stones, just a bruise really… haven’t slept for a week or more.”

My nose began to discern edible smells. As we approached a comparatively lighted area, caldrons and pots of various sizes boiling and bubbling on a large wood burning stove became visible. My stomach long since neglected began to respond loudly. “My gosh, you must be expecting a crowd tonight…looks like a lot of food!”

“The cats you know—I have to feed the cats.” All I could immediately see was one gigantic solid gray animal peering at me with huge golden eyes. He perched on a counter top as still as a statue, guarding the kitchen. For several minutes the woman busied herself with huge battered metal platters and ladles, scooping out fish heads, turnips and roots, and bones of indistinguishable origins. As this strange woman stepped out into the night, she was inundated by a swarm of cats jumping from roofs, out of trees, through bushes, and from behind rocks. Maybe fifty or more cats of all sizes and colors crowded around the feast she set on the patio before them. “Aren’t they pretty!” she exclaimed with a sweet smile. I had to agree, I had never seen anything like it.

As we stepped back inside, I looked up to notice a second floor landing suspended over the kitchen. Something looked out of place but I couldn’t decide what. “Are There rooms up there?”, I queried.

“Sure. The staircase collapsed about 5 days ago. Fortunately nobody was hurt. Now we have to go out the front door and walk around to get in through the upper hall. I was using a ladder but somehow that’s disappeared.”

I stared into the space where the staircase had been, organizing all this information in my head. Some strangeness could be written off as eccentricity. In my work I ran into all kinds of people with unusual ideas and ways. But mishaps were piling up, and that was different. This felt like evil. That something was very wrong here was becoming glaringly evident by the moment. But what? I extended my perception seeking answers to the disarray. I scanned the scene without being able to identify the cause.

The woman mentioned that her daughter had come to visit for a month or so. The daughter and grandson had gone out trick or treating earlier in the evening and she expected them anytime. I could feel her reluctance to share information about family as I had sensed on the phone before. She was scared and she was leaving something important out of the conversation.

Time was slipping by, it was long past ten o’clock and if what I guessed was correct, the next hours would be critical. We were both edgy; perhaps a premonition of impending crisis was threading into our subconscious. I knew I was at a vortex of chaos. All the difficulty finding the place and the other signs led to this location. But I still had yet to find what I was looking for…the source. I became more wary as the minutes ticked by. The old woman babbled on about any number of things she thought might interest me, to distract us both from the tension we felt.

While outwardly appearing to listen and chop vegetables, I wove a shield of energy not only around myself, but around the room and then extended that weaving to include the dwelling, strengthening layer upon layer of protection. Master teachers had taught me about discarnates and what could happen when the doors opened between dimensions. Suddenly the hairs rose on the back of my neck and I turned to face the danger. I looked up to see what appeared to be a blond girl child draped around the banister leading into space. Her posture was unnatural. As I looked more acutely, she aged to be actually in her early forties. But what riveted my attention were her eyes. They were at that moment huge and bottomless pits of dark evil. For an instant the entity lurking behind them surged forward to challenge, knowing me as a threat. I had recognized it for what it was.

An ancient and vile being from the lower astral plane had somehow gained access to this poor woman’s body. It enjoyed wreaking havoc within the human being it held for ransom which showed with every gesture. The pain and confusion caused in any immediate environment were a great amusement to it as well.

In a state of full alert, I dropped everything and focused on the immediate need. I called upon the Powers of Light in the vicinity to dispel that which did not belong. This is what I was seeking. This is why I had been called here. It was a wonder the daughter had survived. It was a miracle the house was still standing. The problem was as I had begun to suspect….POSSESSION.

As I gazed into this poor trapped soul, I could see both beings struggling for control in the body of the one. Speaking softly, taking care not to arouse the intruding discarnate to violence, I asked the daughter to come join us. With an unnatural spark her eyes glanced at the floor beneath her as if she considered leaping to harm. “Please take care, your mother has prepared a lovely feast”, I cajoled, “you must be hungry…I sure am.” Magically, the missing ladder appeared from the landing beside her and she descended.

We held hands in a circle in prayer before consuming the food. As we sat in the light of many candles and spoke of truth, beauty, and love, we continued on telling stories of adventures and sharing the good food. Suddenly, a dangerous angry glitter flashed in the eyes of the possessed, as the uninvited entity there realized it no longer had control and could not remain within the physical body. Identified and unwelcome, it withdrew with a lurch and a moan; the woman collapsed in a heap. I held her there guarding over her to ensure the unwanted spirit did not try to return. Without anywhere to gain hold, the wicked creature departed after swirling around the room bouncing off the walls until it found an escape through a crack in a window. Prayers had protected everyone present.

The clock struck midnight. As if a veil had been lifted, the house was flooded inside and out with lights as the electricity came on. The grandson, a boy of ten, laughed as we continued our very late supper. We retired eventually and slept peacefully the night through. I had perhaps arrived late, but blessedly early enough. All Saints Day dawned shining and new.

Epilogue: This case of possession is an example of an all too common occurrence. The woman had a history of causing damage wherever she went. At the University in Berkeley years before, she had participated in experiments involving hallucinogenic and psychotropic substances. Supposedly these were supervised by certain faculty members, renowned for research in these psychological explorations. That proper guidance and shielding techniques were known or used is doubtful. In scientific experimentation, seldom are such precautions taken.

In this case, no one had considered the possibility that a discarnate entity had taken over when the woman had been in a vulnerable and highly suggestive state, and never left. As in many similar instances, the lifestyle had deteriorated over a long period of time; the individual soul being less and less in control of her behavior.

Eventually, a distorted co-dependent relationship was built as neither the invested soul nor the intruding entity desired to forfeit possession of the lifeform. This is not an uncommon occurrence.

Although over the next few months that I was able to monitor the situation, substantial improvement became apparent, damage caused by self destructive tendencies and nurtured by the discarnate over years could not be completely erased. The woman would have a shortened lifespan.

In cultures familiar with altered states induced to promote spiritual experiences, skilled adept individuals are present and conduct specific rituals to prevent crisis situations and prolonged discarnate contact which can be harmful.

A word to the wise: Recreational use of psychotropic substances little understood, without guidance or focus can cause irreversible even terminal damage to body and soul. Seek out knowledgeable sources who can teach inexperienced initiates the required preparations before embarking on a quest of unknown dimensions.

A shortened version of this Prism Diary entry of October 1984, was printed in The Twelfth House, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1996.

Here Fog’s End appears in complete form with permission of the author, Prism.

Dreams of Fortune

December 19th, 2011

June 13th, 2007 Metempyrion

An excerpt from the Prism Diary, this event takes place in the summer of 1986.
Although names may have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the circumstances have been accurately recorded in each case.

It was still light on a long Sunday evening in Carmel. The weather had been mild with the usual morning mist clearing later in the day as it does along the coast during the summer months. I had finished my chores outside and was relaxed, if not actually exhausted. The phone rang. Lone Eagle, a shaman and a friend was on the other end. We had not communicated lately, so I asked him what he had been doing to keep busy. He told me this story.

A man had been trying to sell his property for five years and had not had a single offer. The value was substantial, but his life had come to a standstill as landowner.
He was desperate to move on. Somewhere along the line, buried treasure had been mentioned, and he didn’t want to leave until it was discovered. Psychics of various talents had been called upon to help locate the booty they all claimed was there; so far without success.

Lone Eagle had been dragged into the situation by some associate, but he could find no evidence of treasure. This of course, was most unsettling, after months, perhaps years of expectation on the part of the present owner, who had inherited the property. What Lone Eagle was asking me for was confirmation that he himself had not made an error in not being able to unearth the prize.

“Lone Eagle, I thought you always worked alone. What gives?” I teased.

“The owner, Bob has promised a substantial finder’s fee and I need the cash if it’s to be had. I know you can get to the bottom of this mystery if anyone can. At least find out why the place hasn’t sold.” He hinted.

“Well, if you haven’t located anything, it’s probably not there, but I’ll bring my dowsing rods and give it a go.” We made arrangements to meet the following Tuesday afternoon.

Lone Eagle was of mixed blood. He’d gone of to Vietnam as a Navy Seal on special assignment and had survived that nightmare. Upon his return stateside, he’d hired out as a bodyguard for a variety of high profile people and dangerous situations. We had worked together to awaken people up and down the west coast to the conditions of American Indian people in the here and now. While I was heavily involved in the human rights movement for Indian people, Lone Eagle had been there as self-appointed guardian. He had saved me more than once from attacks; some physical, but many were psychic, coming from distorted individuals drawing power from the lower astral planes. What this warrior could not do, in all likelihood could not be done. He trusted my perceptions and he knew that this man Bob would also.

As I parked my old Rambler painted with blue skies, ocean waves and starry heavens, I wondered what would be there to find. I gathered up my rods and other accouterments possibly useful, and turned to walk down a little used dirt track.
When I reached a broken down gate, a large disheveled man of about 55 stepped forward eagerly to greet me. His light blue eyes were blurry with lack of sleep, chronic insomnia mayhap, and his ample flesh hung on his frame suggesting dissipation due to boredom. He stuffed a still lit cigarette butt into the side of his mouth and extended a grubby right hand to shake mine.

“Glad to see ya—thanks fer comin’. This is drivin’ me crazy—got to sell this place n’ git away. Can’t stand it bein’ here anymore. Do you think ya c’n find the treasure? Lone Eagle said if YOU couldn’t, it wasn’t here. Com’on…Lone Eagle’s up at the latest dig site waitn’.” The rickety gate swung back into place and was latched behind me. I felt I had stepped into a separate reality. As my feet touched the ground, step by step, images washed up and I was overwhelmed with memories of the past in this place. “….had this place on the market so long. The
appraised value is a million an’ a half. What’d ya think?” My guide rambled on.

Gathering myself back into the present, “mmm, closer to a half a million, I’d expect. Would you settle for $ 500,000?” The words rolled off my tongue without hesitation, as if I had some experience in real estate—ha.

Bob ran dirty fingers through grimy hair which then stuck up straight, threw what was left of his butt down, and said, “Well, that would be alright I guess.” We arrived at a cluster of broken down buildings which seemed to have collapsed one by one as owners allowed them to fall into disuse and neglect. Lord knows when a single piece of trash or refuse had been picked up from its original resting place.
Lone Eagle came out from around the side of a building with a grin on his face, remembering our campaign together no doubt, genuinely glade to see me.

Without delay, Bob lead us out and about commenting casually in mumbles neither of us understood. The place was a wreck; looked like a mine field in a battle zone.
Piles of dirt and holes of all sizes no one had bothered to fill in after each failure to find treasure. Wandering through this maze around three shacks, we reached a door which led under the house. Not content with digging outside, greedy treasure hunters had gone under the very house itself. “Do ya think you can find it?” Bob lurched out obsessed with the fruitless project of months and years past.

I took a deep breath and stated truthfully, “Most likely, it seems to have been converted into the place itself ages ago, if ever an amount of dollars existed. Lone Eagle has found nothing, and looks like every square yard has been excavated. I don’t expect to find anything, but I’ll take a scan to be sure.”

I took out my dowsing rods, tools to find everything from water to oil to gold.
Moments passed as I stood still, centering, the rods swinging lazily and erradically.
I turned slowly to face first one direction, then another, all the while focusing on the primary thought. The men watched, waited. Minutes of concentration passed. Still nothing. “Well gentlemen, I feel nothing here through the rods, lets try another location.” And so the long afternoon ‘til sundown was spent, place to place without a twitch. “No,” at last I stated flatly, “ I am sure no treasure is here.”

We were invited into the house for some refreshment. As we reached the back porch, I was overcome with a wave of fear, anger, violence…but nothing in the present. Stepping into the kitchen what became clear was that not a single empty spot to stand or sit existed. Every space stacked layer upon layer was taken by whatever had been discarded there for years. I graciously accepted water in a mug which I hoped had been rinsed in the recent past. Bob seemed at last satisfied that no hidden treasure existed. He wanted to know if I thought the property would ever sell. I turned to Lone Eagle and asked him if he would take a short walk with me. To Bob he turned and said, “We’ll be back soon.”

I needed to speak with him, get his take about the place to confirm my own feelings. We eventually came around the last corner to return to the back porch. Before we got there I grabbed his arm and said, “Here. Feel this? Do you feel it?”

He stood still, quiet. “Now that you mention it; yes, bad vibes, very bad.”

I continued, “This …whatever happened here was a life and death struggle, and these vibrations are what is blocking the sale of this property. I’d say it happened 30 years ago and the vibration of violence is still here! It has never been cleared.”
Lone Eagle turned to me—“Ah, the mystery. I knew you could unlock it! Let’s ask Bob, see what he remembers. We stepped into the kitchen. Bob still sat where we had left him a half hour before, smoking a cigarette, eyes gazing into the distance whether past or future, who could say. Lone Eagle began softly to ask questions pertaining to his life in this place.

Several generations had lived together on the land; unpleasantness and worse was common among family members. Carefully the back porch incident was broached, and the veil swept aside as he confided. Indeed, as a young man, Bob had been attacked by two men in the dark as he came home. There was a knife and he had barely escaped, badly beaten and stabbed, bleeding on the back porch. “But that happened years ago!” he exclaimed.

Lone Eagle explained about the necessity to heal the wounds of the soul and the space. We would return Thursday noon to perform a ceremony. Bob would need to bring a few tokens from his past.

Lone Eagle picked me up; we rode in silence. The shaman and I had worked well together on occasions before; there was no need for talk. We trod softly into the realm of prayer and ritual. At the chosen site, just as he struck the match to light our prayer fire, the sun burned through the mist and we held the ceremony of forgiveness in the sunlight. Bob expressed gratitude. We all felt blessed at the closing as if our work was complete, and our prayers were heard. I asked him to call me in a week’s time to let me know how things were going.

The following Tuesday, early evening, I was sitting alone quietly, resting after a day’s work in the garden. The phone rang. It was Lone Eagle. “The real estate agent called Bob yesterday. He has a firm offer–$ 500,000, cash out!”

“That’s great,” I responded. “Is he going to accept it?”

“Hell yes! What do you think? We make a good team. Look for a check in the mail.” He closed the call amiably.

I hung up with a smile. What I thought was, maybe Bob had found his fortune after all. Free at last, unfettered by his past, ready to step into a new life; a new beginning. That’s a real blessing.

Drawing Attention to the Beautiful Night Skies in the Warm Arizona Summer

December 19th, 2011

May 13th, 2007 Metempyrion

This year several events are happening which we should appreciate: After sundown the brightest object in the sky over Mingus Mountain and Jerome to the west is the brilliant evening star which is actually the Planet Venus.

She is currently seen near the constellation Gemini whose twin stars Castor and Pollus are to the north and set before Venus as she progresses through Cancer and Leo in June. Mercury is close to Venus yet is difficult to see because of the brightness of his neighbor. Venus will then go retrograde and seem to ‘hover’ in Virgo while going direct in early September and traveling on through Libra and Scorpio, to be seen in Sagittarius the beginning of January.

The word ‘planet’ means ‘traveler’ and the ancients named the objects in our solar system because they return in cycles yet appear to travel through the backdrop of stars and galaxies farther away. Also with the naked eye we can look higher in the sky and make out the orange planet Saturn below the chest of Leo and competing with the Alpha star Regulus at the heart of the lion. As an outer planet, the orbit seems slower to us on earth and progresses to Virgo the first part of September.

In May the moon traveled through these same constellations of the zodiac and passed near to each of these planets with the outstanding ‘blue moon’ or second full moon in May conjuncting the great planet Jupiter in Scorpio and Sagittarius. While Jupiter seems to hover in retrograde between Sagittarius and Scorpio, he will progress to Capricorn in mid December. The Scorpio constellation is very large and recognizable in the lower quadrant of the sky most of the night. For those people born with these planets in these signs, this is a return of cycles and may influence us in subtle ways. The moon will again pass close to these planets the second half of June to Full Moon in Capricorn June 30th. Beauty and wonder.

Take the opportunity to observe and become familiar with these natural phenomena to better distinguish shooting stars as we pass through the asteroid belt in August and September. Other wonderful galactic objects seen without telescopes include the Milky Way, and comets. Then satellites circling the Earth; airplane lights also move rapidly across the sky.

Visitors from outer space will be different from any of the above described objects. Keep watching the skies and good luck in your quest for truth.

Clearing Your Space

December 19th, 2011

From the October Newsletter at www.invisiblearchitecture.com

Fall is a magical time of the year. We have just passed the equinox and are on our way to the thinly veiled portals of Halloween.

It is the perfect time to do some etheric housecleaning to rid our spaces of the invisible cobwebs and debris that have been gathering though out the year. In the last newsletter, we looked at the energetics of haunted places. Much of the time what we think of as haunted energies are actually caused by geopathic stress (geo – Earth, pathic – disease) and many feel the concepts are interchangeable. In the home,these unhealthy energies usually manifest as cold, damp and thick.

A Feng Shui remedy for this problem is to bring light and warmth into any extremely yin (dark) areas by placing a full spectrum light there and keeping it on day and night. This is especially important in the southwest and northeast sectors of the home as these directions are the doorways for spirit to enter. Here is where yang energy is transforming into yin energy and yin energy is changing into yang energy. This shift causes an energetic weakness in the fabric of space and time and enables portals into other realms to form. In the past, churches, temples and mosques around the world were aware of these secret doorways and consciously used this knowledge in their architecture. Unfortunately, much of this profound, ancient wisdom is quietly disappearing from our consciousness.

Sharp, loud sounds are also employed to break up congested areas. Bells and hand clapping are two methods frequently used to disperse unhealthy energy and clear the air. Piano music (metal element) is another good way to banish the sha (negative) energies. In the past, grandfather clocks with their timely chimes and churches bells were used to break up stagnant unhealthy energies within the home and the community and then to recondition the atmosphere with purer, life enhancing frequencies. When doing these clearing techniques, be sure a window is open, so the energy can escape and not simply resettle.

Orange peels are another Feng Shui method to clear and cleanse the air on many levels. The peels need to be dried for several days, and then crushed into small pieces and scattered around the perimeter of your rooms. Leave them for a day or so and then vacuum them up. A more powerful clearing method used to clear oppressive ghostly energies is to pound the dried peels into a powder and then burn it like incense. This method is also good to get rid of bothersome insects. Research on sweet orange essential oil finds that it makes people calmer and lifts their spirit.

To do a general space clearing, you can clap out the corners and drawers of every room to disperse the stagnant energy. Corners are where damp, cold and thick energies congregate. In the past, cultures around the world knew that was not healthy to sit or sleep in corners and arranged their living quarters accordingly. To do the clapping clearing, start at your front door and move counterclockwise around the first room, clapping your hands several times in each corner. Move your clapping hands downward and then upward in each corner until you get a loud clear crisp sound. If there there are any stuck energies, your clapping will sound muffled. Open any drawers you come to and clap inside of them also. Keep moving around each room until you are back to your front door. Now you are ready to clear the existing energies with a good quality bell or gong. The sound of the bell penetrates deeper than clapping into the walls and furniture.

Starting from the front door again, circle the inside of your house ringing the bell. Ring it only one time and wait until the sound almost dissipates. Then ring it again so there is a continuous stream of sound circling though your home. Keep ringing until you are back at your front door.

This simple clearing can be extended into a very complex ritual. Please contact me If you are interesting in a complete, professional space clearing. It is very powerful and the effects can be immediately sensed. In the next newsletter, I will present some more techniques for clearing electromagnetic pollution and other unwanted energies through the use of sea salt and baking soda.


M. Carol Assa

About Meditation

December 19th, 2011

April 13th, 2008 Metempyrion
for health and peace of mind

The basic idea about meditation and why people meditate is that during our day we are constantly subjected to sensory input and our minds are active in the process of thinking to make effective responses. Engaging in conversation, studying written material, solving problems is all part of an average day.

Typically, while engaging in these activities and between them there is an ongoing mental commentary going on in the mind. People aren’t always aware of all that mental thought activity on a conscious level, but most of us can’t get away from it. Meditation allows all this activity to calm and often results in the mind becoming more peaceful and focused.

Meditation allows the opportunity for awareness to become rejuvenated.

Meditation can be considered a technique or a practice. It usually involves concentrating on an object such as a flower, candle, sound or word, or the breath. Over time, random thoughts diminish as the mind is focused on one particular thing. More importantly, the individual’s attachment or emotional involvement with these thoughts progressively becomes less. The meditation subject may get caught up in a thought pattern then becomes aware of this, and attention is gently brought back to the object of concentration. Other forms of meditation are also practiced without a image or object focus as in a posture of complete relaxation.

As experiences in meditation vary from one individual to another, the best attitude is to refrain from having any preconceived expectations when meditating. Being in the moment is an important part of the process. Relaxation, increased awareness, mental clarity, and a sense of peace and harmony are commonly realized through meditation.

The self development process is enhanced through meditation as we become more aware of our feelings and thoughts about daily experiences and interactions. Our sensitivity about personal needs and perhaps unrealistic attitudes or goals may be exposed for the first time and need to be addressed. If silence, peace of mind, clarity, bliss or other promoted benefits of meditation is not achieved, that in itself is not a sign of incorrect practice or incapacity to attain these goals at a later time.

What is important is that one is regular in making a reasonable attempt on a daily basis at a designated time. With regular practice one inevitably acquires an increased understanding of and proficiency with the particular meditation technique. Some people use the formal concentrative meditation as a preliminary step to practicing a mindfulness meditation during the day where one maintains a calm increased awareness of one’s thoughts and actions during the day during activities of any kind.

For some people, meditation is primarily a spiritual practice and may be closely tied to the practice of a religion such as monastic Catholicism, Hinduism Buddhism, Sufism, or other contemplative spiritual expression. . Many people in the world have meditated if only for a few moments by sitting peacefully without thinking, perhaps in a church or at home in silence. Traditionally. meditation is a means for guiding ethical qualities which can then be observed in behavior in a cultural group or society.

This is however, not a requirement for effective meditation. Meditation deals with contacting something within us that is peaceful, calm, rejuvenating and meaningful. Whether one calls this God, or soul, the inner child, or peace, theta-wave brain activity, or simply silence is not important.

Meditation is different from contemplation only in the form of technique practiced. Contemplation suggests a problem solving focus. Meditation is an active process where the subject remains fully aware of what the awareness is doing, but does not become involved in any given solution. It rather attempts to transcend this level of thought activity.

Self-hypnosis like meditation involves at least an initial period of concentration on an object or sound. In hypnosis one does not maintain an awareness of the present or stay conscious of the process itself. One enters a semi-conscious trance for purposes of relaxation only. If a hypnotist is present to act as a guide to the subject, problem solving may occur on subconscious levels and later conscious realization can be obtained.

Meditation involves concentrating on something to take the attention beyond the random thought activity that usually goes on inside the person’s mind. This can involve a solid object or picture, a mantra, rhythm of breathing, or guided visualization. A mandala is a highly colored symmetric painting, or the picture of a spiritual teacher in a high meditative state is used frequently. Mantras are sound which have a flowing, meditative quality and may be repeated out loud or inwardly. The breath is also a common focal point. Guided visualization can help to bring one into a meditative state and also may be used once a meditative state has been reached to produce given results.

Any meditative technique can be helpful, and the person may need to experiment with several before finding the one most compatible and supportive for them. Finding the effective technique or combination for the individual becomes most satisfying, enhancing the life over time. Here are a few recommended guidelines for meditation:

* Set aside a specific time every day
* It should be done before a meal
* A specific quiet, comfortable place should be designated for meditation only.
* Sitting with spine straight and vertical is most often suggested, however, if physical disability causes discomfort, a prone posture with complete symmetrical placement of extremities and alignment of the vertebrae is acceptable. Take care not to fall asleep.

While meditation is beneficial at any time, most people who meditate agree that early morning is best as the clarity of mind, energy, and peaceful attitude can be carried into the activities of the day. Also, meditation is beneficial after a day’s work before supper to clear the tensions of the day. Later in the evening is another appropriate time for meditation. Having at least one time daily to meditate helps to maintain regularity in the lifestyle. Many people find patterned or colored lights, meditative music or regular drum beats aid the process of obtaining a deeper meditative state.

When first learning meditation, 10-15 minutes is adequate. After regular practice, one becomes able to meditate for longer periods of time. Many people meditate twice daily for 20-30 minutes each time. The very experienced person may be able to sustain a blissful state for an hour or more. Although a living teacher is not required and much can be learned through books, beyond elementary levels, guidance is recommended. A teacher can be an invaluable aid in learning a meditation technique and continuing correct practice. Some techniques are spiritual in nature and others are mainly concerned with stress-reduction and peace of mind.

Any aid which works is applicable. The processes used to relax the eyes, the body, and the mind is an individual choice. If muscular discomfort or nerve pain is experienced while reaching a state of relaxation, make sure the position is not causing strain. During meditation, the awareness is heightened and one should expect to notice otherwise ignored sensations. This can be done without attachment and used as objects of the meditation. Frequently, these sensations dissolve without having to change posture. Remember, a quiet body contributes to a quiet mind. What is important is finding what works in the life of the person.