Vibrational Effects of the Crop Circle Patterns
By Kaayla Fox
Imagine not having words and writing in different languages, or if we could not hear; we would have to use symbols as was done in the past. To many who visit the crop circles in the fields around the world, they are believed to be a language that activates a knowing, an energetic communication. Thanks to the dedicated crop circle photographers, films and the internet, we are given the opportunity to change our limited realities with these images.
I discovered that the crop circle images that I transform into the LightCircles jewelry also have particular energies that can assist us along our earthly and spiritual journeys. I first began making crop circle jewelry in 2000 and since that time, my involvement with the crop circle phenomenon has been the main arena for artistic expression and personal development. This article is a glimpse into my personal discoveries, and the responses of those who have worked along side of me and those who have opened to higher aspects of themselves through crop circle vibrations.
In his book, Man and His Symbols, Carl Jung says about symbol, “…it always stands for something more than its obvious and immediate meaning. Symbols are natural and spontaneous products.” One might ask, what are we connecting to in these crop circle formations? What draws us to look at these images over and over, and still feel intrigued and uplifted each time? Is there something in the shapes? Palden Jenkins, a crop circle researcher states, “The key lies in the invisible energy-fields and the crop patterns are just a footprint, a sign of what we’re looking at, but not the thing itself.” That has been the driving force behind my life’s commitment to interact more deeply with the energies emanating from the patterns themselves as they are symbolized in the jewelry.
Watching people become more relaxed, bright eyed, and joyful after handling my crop circle jewelry, I wondered what would happen if these crop circle ‘mandalas’ were placed in an array on a person’s body, as one would do a gem stone layout for healing. My concept of using these energetic medallions of sterling for healing, finally became more real when I met Stuart Wreschinsky, a natural clairvoyant, who recognized something ancient in the geometry and could ‘see’ the energies emanating from the silver. We began to experiment with placing the medallions on the energy pathways of individuals, much like the ley lines and vortices on the Earth. With his feedback, I began to define and document some of the mystical effects and interactions between people and the crop circle symbols.
To authenticate the experiences, we did a study using before and after session aura photos. Watercolor Aura Scans made by medical intuitive, Judith Jubb demonstrated significant energy field changes representing evidence of shifts in energy (healing) before and after a client’s exposure to the crop circle medallion placement. Stuart also drew some fascinating line drawings of the energy patterns that he saw around the body of clients at various intervals throughout the session.
Photos of these studies can be found at:
Working with clients, we noticed that in each progressive session a person received, their experience varied and the more deeply they connected into themselves on different levels. The experience might be kinesthetic sensations one time, visual images another, deep emotional reactions or perhaps a combination the session after that. We learned that these crop circle symbols are comprised of frequency patterns of subtle energy that can be seen by some people but felt by many others.
Dr. Richard Bartlett’s reference to quantum physics gives some clarity and insight into what may be going on when we respond to symbols. In his book, The Physics of Miracles he says, “The mathematics and physics are unconscious symbolic languages. They are meant to stimulate higher brain function — not the hired hand left brain’s higher analytical functions, but, instead, the right-brain awareness of symbolism and interconnectedness.” Is this higher brain function connected only through the sight of symbols or is it even more possible that everything is connected energetically to be experienced as well? Are we open to feel and interact with the intelligence behind these images? Keep in mind that the sign we’re looking at is not the thing itself but invisible energy-fields.
Many people relate that they feel protected and grounded; more centered and confident when wearing the jewelry. Some individuals need and want the support of an energetic reminder that they are more than a body with a thinking mechanism while they intuitively choose the symbols with the combination of frequencies they need at that particular moment. This subtle yet powerful experience is completely individual depending on the responses within the personal energy field as it receives the vibrational information.
After documenting the placement of the medallions for about a year, we noted that as observers, we had began to use certain pieces in a repeated way brought about by looking at the results of our intuitive inclinations and then unconsciously drawing conclusions, thus influencing the outcome This is exactly what we did not want to do. We wanted to keep a fresh approach for each new client and session so that we were not causing the effects, but allowing the frequencies of the crop circles to interact naturally with the client’s energies at that moment in time. There was no need to affect anything other than to assist the flow of information the client was receiving guided by their own higher intelligence. That was the beauty of this process. No ‘fixing’ required. The intelligence behind the sacred geometry of the crop circle provided whatever was required.
We stopped analyzing the particulars, and returned to a more fluid intuitive approach that supported ‘at that moment in time’ involvement with our clients. The interesting outcome was that the results were still repeatable even though we let go of any structured method of documenting medallion placement. Even Ruppert Sheldrake says in his book, The Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind, “The first and most fundamental kind of evidence for the seventh sense is personal experience….Experiences and observations are the starting point for science and it is unscientific to disregard or exclude them.” The personal experience is what we rely on for verification.
This has become an extraordinary investigation of subtle energy and we believe it to be one of the most profound uses and purposes for the worldwide phenomena of crop circles. Experiencing these powerful energies combined in an array in your personal energy field is quite amazing. Energetic healing draws on all levels of a person’s consciousness, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It may enable the release of energies not harmonious that can cause illness, psychological problems or emotional upset. About 97% of the clients report feeling calm, deeply relaxed, balanced, mentally clearer, and many also feel enlivened and refreshed as well, which is a state we could all use more of these days. We have barely unearthed the tip of the potential opening to us through this process, and much more research needs to be done in order to know the long term benefits of working with the energetics of the crop circle patterns outside of the field experience.
Crop circle formations are believed to be encoded with Light and Information in universal patterns of vibration that interact with the core consciousness. If we choose, this will raise the vibrational levels of our earth energies, and those individuals who come in contact with these emanations will feel more connected in unity.
In my personal search for the purpose in forging this path into the unknown and to answer the question of ‘why preserve these formations in silver metal’; it is because of the experiences of clients and customers. They have confirmed my own understanding that the crop circles are not only for those who walk in the fields, but for everyone to learn from and experience their light and information. The crop circles have shown themselves to be living entities of higher vibrational fields, guiding the transformational process of Crop Circle Energetics and the other energetic technology tools that I have developed.
The author, Kaayla Fox: Following marriages and children, her Spiritual training includes the Berkeley Psychic Institute, the Motherpeace Female Shamanic Healing Arts, and California Certification in Hypnotherapy, Magnetic Healing, Reiki Master, and Matrix Energetics. Today, she is known as the ‘Crop Circle Lady’ as she shows her LightCircles Jewelry across the country in galleries and stores. She is the creator of LightCircles Vibrational Elixirs, and is the co-founder of Crop Circles Energetics, offering private sessions and group presentations with demonstrations of the ‘Crop Circles in Motion’ experience. She is a Spiritual Counselor and a long distance Healer. The author retains all copyrights.
For more information contact her by e-mail: